A FREE practice session by an apprentice Biodynamic Cranial Sacral therapist in-training.
1 hr1 hNorth 22nd Street
Service Description
A 45-60 minute FREE session, provided by apprentice-in-training Shannon Malburg. Biodynamic Cranial Sacral therapy is a light touch, non-invasive, type of hands-on therapy, done fully clothed. It supports the nervous system and the overall systems of the body. It is meant to facilitate the work of the body's own innate healing abilities. For more information, see https://www.craniosacraltherapy.org/what-is-bcst-
Two fully-certified cranial sacral therapists also practice onsite. For information on their fees and offerings, and to book an appointment with them at Providencia, please visit their sites directly:
Laura Himstedt, Osage Creek Wellness (Sound Therapy, Somatic Experiencing Therapy, Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy): https://www.osagecreekwellness.com/
Jennifer Seagle, Inspiring Self-Healing (Cranial Sacral Therapy, Vision Therapy, SomatoEmotional Release Therapy, Massage Therapy): https://inspiringselfhealing.com/